Osun residents lament pollution of water, land from gold mining activities

Opa river is a major source of water for domestic use in Ile-Ife communities, Osun State, including the over 35,000 students and staff of Obafemi Awolowo University, located in the region.

According to a visit by Punch to Afeki local community, Oke-Opa, in Ile-Ife, where gold mining was said to be taking place and where toxic substances were allegedly released into the water, flowing to the main Opa reservoir. Opa reservoir is the source of water for the OAU community.

From ash-coloured looking small rivers, which, according to the residents, used to be clean; to remains of fallen cocoa, and palm trees, cassava, among others, as a result of excavation of farmlands belonging to residents.

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