Former SA President Zuma reportedly kicked out of ANC

The African National Congress (ANC), which South Africa’s former president Jacob Zuma led, expelled him after he backed a rival party in the general election on May 29, local media reported.

He joined uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK), and the ANC’s disciplinary committee judged him guilty of “prejudicing the integrity” of the party. The local media is citing a leaked ANC document as indicating that the committee has allowed him three weeks to appeal against its decision.

The ANC has not formally acknowledged his dismissal, and according to MK, Mr. Zuma was not informed of the judgment made by a “kangaroo court.”

The ANC veteran Mr. Zuma, 82, had a falling out with the group after he was forced to resign from office as president in 2018 due to corruption issues. He has consistently refuted any misconduct.

After founding MK, which currently holds a parliamentary opposition to the ANC-led government, he was suspended by the ANC in January.

MK released a statement in which it expressed amazement at hearing of Mr. Zuma’s expulsion from media reports.

The party argued that the disciplinary hearings were held “in a manner akin to a kangaroo court”.

“It is a foundational legal principle that no person, not even those accused of a serious crime, should be punished or sentenced in their absence,” it added.

Mr. Zuma declined to attend the virtual hearing held by the ANC’s disciplinary committee, stating that he preferred to be present in person.

He served nine years as president and was imprisoned in 2021 for contempt of court for his refusal to cooperate completely with an investigation into corruption.

More than 300 people lost their lives in the bloodiest riots that followed his imprisonment, which began in 1994—the year white minority rule came to an end.

A 1999 armaments transaction has also led to corruption charges against him.

After replacing Zuma as president of South Africa in 2018, Cyril Ramaphosa made a commitment to reform the administration.

However, the ANC had its worst showing in thirty years in the elections held on May 29, which forced the ruling party to create a coalition in order to share power.

Largely through stealing ANC voters, uMkhonto we Sizwe—which translates to “spear of the nation”—became the third-largest party in the nation.

With about 15% of the vote, it was able to secure 58 members out of the 400-member parliament. Mr. Zuma has demanded that the election be canceled because he believes the results were skewed.

MK declared that it would join an opposition coalition in the legislature following the election. (BBC)

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