Chidimma Vanessa Adetshina, the newly crowned Miss Universe Nigeria, has shared her emotional journey following a distressing experience in South Africa, where she faced accusations of identity theft and controversy.
In a heartfelt interview, Adetshina recounted the feelings of being unwelcome and unaccepted in the country where she lived for 23 years.
Adetshina, who withdrew from the Miss South Africa pageant amid scrutiny regarding her nationality and allegations against her mother by South Africa’s Home Affairs, described her ordeal as “horrible” and “heartbreaking.”
Despite these challenges, she remains proud of her dual heritage, emphasizing her connection to both South Africa and Nigeria.
“I was made to feel like I wasn’t South African enough because of my name. It was really hard to see,” she explained. “It’s heartbreaking to feel unwelcome and unaccepted after living there for so long.”
The controversy surrounding her identity, coupled with legal issues involving her mother’s ID, has made it difficult for Adetshina to comment further on the specifics of the situation.
Nevertheless, she affirmed her identity:
“I was born in South Africa, and I am still South African, and I am still proudly Nigerian.”
Adetshina also expressed her intention to seek therapy to help process the emotional toll of her experience. “It’s not a nice feeling. I’ve been avoiding it, but now it’s starting to affect me. I’ll work on it and see a therapist because I’ve been suppressing my emotions. This is something really major,” she shared.
Her story sheds light on the personal struggles that public figures face and the complex interplay of identity and belonging, reminding us of the importance of acceptance and understanding across cultures.
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